Phil Cannella is on a mission
to help Americans live the American dream of retiring comfortably and securely. He helps his clients avoid the Required Minimum Distribution (RMD), which can lead to heavy erosion and taxation of your financial accounts during your retirement years. As a retirement financial specialist, Phil Cannella knows that you can bypass the RMD and turn your nest egg into tax-free vehicles that remain tax-free even after you begin to take income from them.
Phil Cannella has the answer, which is the Roth conversion law, put into effect by the IRS over 12 years ago. By converting your tax-deferred retirement account into a Roth, it gets transformed from a tax-infested account into one that provides you with tax-free income you can use at any age and for the rest of your life. To top that off, if you manage it correctly, your Roth account can be stretched over the life expectancies of your spouse, children, and grandchildren, creating a legacy you can feel good about.
The Benefits of a Roth Account:
- It grows not just during your working years, but over your entire lifetime
- It is tax-free
- It repels market risk
- It can be parlayed into three generations of non-taxable income
Phil Cannella has compiled numerous resources to help you keep your nest egg safe and secure, including: his blog:, his website:, his Crash Proof Retirement Show® and his book: Crash Proof Retirement: The Planning Isn’t Over.
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Phil Cannella – Champion of Consumer Advocacy
With the uncertainty and volatility of the market, Phil Cannella, with First Senior Financial Group, prides himself on ensuring a safe retirement future for senior consumers. With an unparalleled devotion to educating seniors, Phil Cannella works endlessly to know and understand the ever changing tax laws and economic changes that can adversely affect one’s nest egg. Thousands of senior citizens have gone through First Senior Financial Group’s education process and learned how to have up to an 85% tax free retirement income.
As if that isn’t reason enough to respect Phil Cannella, the truly amazing thing about how he runs First Senior Financial Group is that he never takes a dime from the seniors who come to him to be educated. Everything he teaches and everything he offers comes free of charge. That is the true mark of a consumer advocate, someone who cares enough to help you without asking for anything in return.