True IRA and Long-term Care Expert
As a former chartered Master IRA Advisor Phil Cannella thoroughly studied to understand the nuances of the financial world when it comes to people’s IRA accounts, IRA regulations and how to help people with their retirement planning.
Phillip Cannella studied under Ed Slott, one of the nation’s most acclaimed leaders in the field of IRAs. Ed Slott was named “The Best Source for IRA Advice” by the Wall Street Journal and called “America’s IRA Expert” by Mutual Funds Magazine.
As a pioneer in long-term care strategies, Phillip Cannella wanted all seniors to have the opportunity his grandfather never did – to stay at home and receive custodial care, help with everyday routines of eating, bathing and dressing. Many seniors mistakenly think these services are covered by Medicare.
Phillip Cannella was passionate about providing clients with this “aging in place” approach to compassionate and affordable long-term care. Phil Cannella believed that being comfortable in one’s final years, instead of worrying about medical bills, should be top-of-mind for seniors and for those who love them.
Most important, while some professionals have many designations without any real-world experience to back it up, Phil Cannella had the actual experience that marks a true professional.
Learn More About Phil Cannella
Click Here to Read More About the Passing of Our Founder Phillip J. Cannella III
In the 1970s Phil Cannella was a pioneer in developing long-term care insurance, which today helps millions of retired people afford the continuing medical care they need. Phil Cannella chose it as a career after seeing first-hand what could happen to a family if someone needed nursing home care but couldn’t afford it. It’s exactly what happened to Phil Cannella’s grandfather when he was a young man and it had a lasting effect. Phil saw that he could help other families by providing a solution to vitally needed home health care and long term care.
For nearly two decades Phil Cannella educated consumers at Crash Proof Retirement® Events documenting the pitfalls of Wall Street, and enlightening attendees on solutions to their retirement problems and concerns. These events continue to this day presented by The President of Crash Proof Retirement, Joann Small-Cannella and CEO of Crash Proof Retirement, Traci Stillman.
Phil Cannella’s cause was his exclusive Crash Proof Retirement® System, which provides retirees with a steady source of income in their golden years regardless of the health of the economy, while providing 100% guaranteed protection of principle. Phil Cannella worked tirelessly for over five decades as a senior advocate dedicated to protecting retirees from market risk, unnecessary taxes, and unscrupulous advisors. Phil Cannella started Crash Proof Retirement® (home of the proprietary Crash Proof Retirement® System) to promote his consumer-driven model of customer service, and even used his own funds to launch the Crash Proof Retirement® radio show, which still airs today, bringing his message of senior advocacy to hundreds of thousands of listeners each week led by his courageous co-host, Joann Small President of Crash Proof Retirement®

Founder and CEO of Retirement Media, Inc.
Phil Cannella has interviewed dozens of the brightest minds in the fields of finance, economics, and politics including the former Inspector General for the US Securities and Exchange Commission, H. David Kotz; the former Comptroller General of the United States Governmental Accountability Office, David Walker; President of Transamerica Institute & Center for Retirement Studies, Catherine Collinson; presidential advisor Dick Morris; the “Quarterback of Quantitative Easing,” Andrew Huszar; and President and Founder of DALBAR Institute, Lou Harvey.
Phillip Cannella was also a much sought-after public speaker. He’s made special appearances on FOX TV and was a featured expert on NBC 10 Philadelphia as part of a retirement advice segment.
Phillip Cannella discovered a passion for educating people about Wall Street’s corrupt ways when it comes to investing. Phil Cannella held educational events at venues in Pennsylvania and Florida to boost people’s financial literacy which makes sense, since the mission of Crash Proof Retirement® is shining a bright light on the financial truth for consumers.